For a long time now, whenever I’ve been discussing Social Media best practices with clients, there’s a brand that I champion, holding them in highest esteem thanks to their almost faultless record on Twitter. [Read more…]
The everso slightly embarrassed post….
Oh hello November! What on earth did you do with October? I swear I was just about to sit down and have a coffee with him. So *coughs shamefully* here I am blogging about communications and I’ve gone and committed the cardinal sin myself. It’s been 33 days since my last post which I know is pretty rubbish really. In fairness, and some attempt to cover my tracks, I have been blogging over at Battling On which you could loosely describe as a Parent Blog, and those that categorise these things certainly do. But in terms of business blogging I’ve slacked off. [Read more…]
Social Media in Practice
I’m always interested in reports and surveys about social media – who uses it, how they use it, what they expect of it and so on. BUT, I’m a bit of a cynic and often wonder about the metrics used, who commissioned the survey and why, and what the underlying interest was. [Read more…]
How authentic are you?
This post has grown from a seed planted in a Twitter conversation yesterday. In it I asked whether people have success running more than one Twitter account simultaneously. [Read more…]
Paperless predictions….do they cut it?
The rise of the kindle, e-reader and iPad, in partnership with the burgeoning blogging army, social media and online content adds serious weight to the argument for the long predicted forecast of ‘The Paperless Society’ becoming a reality. Gordon Brown has announced a suite of changes to increase efficiencies and reduce the need for printed output and, although his plans undoubtedly are more fiscal than ecological, does this pre-empt another attempt to reduce us all to a nation of screen tappers? [Read more…]