Oh hello November! What on earth did you do with October? I swear I was just about to sit down and have a coffee with him. So *coughs shamefully* here I am blogging about communications and I’ve gone and committed the cardinal sin myself. It’s been 33 days since my last post which I know is pretty rubbish really. In fairness, and some attempt to cover my tracks, I have been blogging over at Battling On which you could loosely describe as a Parent Blog, and those that categorise these things certainly do. But in terms of business blogging I’ve slacked off.
Lots of very good folk were kind enough to fill in my Social Media survey and the last month has just not allowed me the time to look at that in any great detail. I’m planning on rectifying that very soon. I’ve also been out and about meeting people and communicating using a radical new medium known as speech – it’s great, so immediate and gratifying. I’ve been looking at things in a slightly more circular fashion and I’ve got some new projects that I’m really excited about and looking forward to sharing very soon.
I’ve decided to take the plunge and in December will be moving this blog to a self hosted URL – if you see me weeping around that time, you’ll know that I’m beset with IT issues and it’ll probably be best to steer well clear.
The best news is that my new (home) office is finally finished. My desk is back to being the same old state it used to be, but some things never change, and I’m actively seeking new opportunities to save me from having to tidy it. Time to put the kettle on I think, bring your own biscuits…