To save you spending ages navigating your way round the site I thought I’d pull together in one page my ‘top-selling’ posts about doing social well. Of course you can feel free to have a good dig around in the archives regardless, but this little lot should give you a good starting point:
What is social media?
“Getting your social media voice ‘right’ is critical. Don’t make the mistake of thinking that just because social media appears to be an informal arena, it’s okay to be slap dash – it’s really not. There is limited time and space in the fast-moving environment of social media, so it’s essential that you make meaningful and appropriate connections.”
How to get social media right
“There is a hallowed place where, if you get it right, you don’t really need to spend ANY time ostensibly selling – your community and your ongoing conversations are doing the job for you.”
You said WHAT on Twitter?
“Twitter is a mecca for the disposable comment. It’s easy to get involved in what you think is a relatively private conversation and forget that you’re sitting in the online equivalent of a busy pub on a Friday night.”
Not LinkedIn? Oo-ar-ya? (and other stadium chants)
“Still thinking that LinkedIn is just for recruitment agencies and social media addicts? Go sit on that naughty step and think again.”
Five Twitter mistakes (and how to avoid them)
“We’re not saying that is has to be one big joke-fest, but Twitter is a social arena, and a sense of humour is no bad thing – beware though, sarcasm in 140 characters can be tricky…”
Oh no! Not another social media expert?
“How businesses market their products and services is changing, as it always has. The difference now is the immediacy of response and how that is handled is critical. Up to now the most interactive tool in any B2B company’s arsenal was its sales force: its foot soldiers, carving up the front line and delivering key messages direct to the customer.”