Twitter is a mecca for the disposable comment. It’s easy to get involved in what you think is a relatively private conversation and forget that you’re sitting in the online equivalent of a busy pub on a Friday night.
We all have foot-in-mouth moments in life and, arguably, if you’re representing yourself online it’s a moment (or more) of embarrassment that you’ve got to deal with the best way you can.
Personal embarrassment is one thing and we all have different thresholds for what we consider acceptable, but what happens when a business is actively tweeting to promote a service and their timeline is AWFUL with a capital AW?
How bad are we talking here?
Well, looking at a random sample from one particular perp’s recent tweets we’ve got copious spelling and grammar mistakes, TWEETS IN CAPITALS THAT ARE THE TWITTER EQUIVALENT OF SHOUTING IN YOUR FACE, borderline racist slurs and a very obvious strategy that revolves around broadcasting constantly and foregoing quality for sheer volume. That’s how bad.
Yes we could just unfollow and ignore, but we’d prefer to help if we can, so if you recognise yourself in the description above why not give Battleplan a SHOUT and let us give you a little twitter tutorial?