You might have noticed that there’s at least one other business or individual doing what you do. There’s probably a lot more than one…
Your challenge is to define yourself in terms that differentiate you from them.
Why should I (a customer/client) come to you for X (product/service)?
It could be that it’s your product offering that sets you apart. It could be the way that you deliver that product or service. It could be YOU, your unique personality that clinches it.
Whatever it is, the way you define and communicate your differences will form the basis of shaping your brand.
In simple terms:
Step 1: Define your differences
Step 2: Embrace your differences and lace them through your marketing strategy
Step 3: Repeat Steps 1 and 2
Don’t get complacent. Times change; expectations change; you will change. Continuously assess what it is that defines and differentiates you and maintain an ongoing dialogue with your customers/clients to communicate it to them.